Vote for NAGPS 2023!
Updates from National Conference, and a brief look ahead to next year.<!–
NAGPS Update 12/16/2022
Hello everyone!
We hope you have enjoyed a bit of a break since we last sent out an update.
We do have some critical business to attend to, and that is passing a budget and carrying out elections for 2023! We will be sending out another round of emails directly to our institutional contacts, but want to circulate this here, just to make sure that we do not miss anyone.
We will be voting on the resolutions discussed during the business meeting, as well as performing elections virtually over the next two weeks. The form for voting can be found here:
Voting is open now, and will close at 5pm ET on 12/30. Please direct any questions to either Thad Potter at president@NAGPS.org, or Tiffany Miller at vice-president@NAGPS.org. Thank you!
Spring Events
We would also like to take this time to make some quick announcements about dates for Spring Events!
The postponed block of programming from National Conference will be taking place over the weekend of February 24th, and will be held virtually!
Similarly, we would like to announce that we will be hosting our Spring Advocacy Summit and Legislative Action Day in DC over the weekend of March 25th!
More details to come on both events after the holidays! We look forward to seeing you all there!
Happy Holidays,
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