NAGPS Annual Business Meeting 12/03 Agenda

NAGPS Annual Business Meeting 12/03 Agenda


NAGPS Annual Business Meeting 12/03 Agenda

Timeline, links to legislation and proposed 2023 budget, and information for the annual business meeting on 12/03.<!–

2022 NAGPS Annual Business Meeting
Agenda & Outline



National Annual Business Meeting Agenda for Saturday, Dec. 3rd

Date: December 3rd, 2022

Link to Join Meeting:

Email and for assistance, questions, and comments.


Agenda for the 36th National Membership Business Meeting 

[Membership Meeting 1 – 09:00 MT]

Roll Call and Credentialing

Approval of the Agenda


State of NAGPS

Strategic Plan

Future Structural Changes

2022 Financial Review

New Business

Approval of FY 2023 Budget – Resolution 2022.01 

Approval of FY 2023 Membership Prices – Resolution 2022.02

National Conference Planning – Resolution 2022.03

[Membership Meeting 2 – 10:45 MT]

Election of President – 15 minutes of closed debate

Election of Vice President – 15 minutes of closed debate

Election of Director of Finance – 8 minutes of closed debate

Election of Director of External Affairs – 8 minutes of closed debate

Election of Director of Compliance – 8 minutes of closed debate

Election of Director of Legislative Affairs – 8 minutes of closed debate

37th National Conference Bids – 5 minutes each presentation, 5 minutes questions, 10 minutes of closed debate



Rules of order:

Debate on each item shall be limited to the above indicated time, in addition to the following times.

Per NAGPS Bylaws, each candidate for the offices of President & Vice President shall have three minutes to speak.  If that candidate ran for a previous office, he or she shall have two minutes to speak.

Per NAGPS Bylaws, for the election of President & Vice President, there shall be three minutes of questions per candidate nominated, except for candidates who ran for a previous office, for which there shall be two minutes.  This question time is pooled.  In addition to the Bylaws requirements, a candidate has one minute to answer each question asked of him or her.

Per NAGPS Bylaws, in elections with more than two candidates, preferential voting shall be used.  Secret ballots are required, except if dispensed with by unanimous vote.

Each member making a national conference bid shall have five minutes to speak.



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Published by Director of Administration

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The vision of the National Association of Graduate-Professional Students (NAGPS) is to be a nationally representative and internationally recognized Association that advocates for institutional and structural changes to improve graduate and professional education in the United States.

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