NAGPS September Newsletter

NAGPS September Newsletter


NAGPS September Newsletter

Enclosed find exciting updates, new opportunities, and upcoming events.<!–

September 18th, 2024
NAGPS September Newsletter



Dear NAGPS community,

Welcome to the start of the fall semester, and the 2024-2025 school year! Personally, it amazes me how fast the time goes by, and the end of the summer transitions into the fall. Thankfully, now that pumpkin spice season is in full-swing, it brings with it exciting new opportunities to get involved, along with important events to learn from leaders in the higher education space. 

Although I personally completed my MBA at the University of South Florida this past May, I’m honored to serve as the President of NAGPS during a critical time of rebuilding and reorganization through the rest of this year. While serving as President, I’ve thoroughly enjoyed the chance to meet with so many student leaders who are working to make a positive impact at the campus level, and ensuring every student is represented in their higher education journey. If we haven’t had the chance to meet, please reach out to me directly at to schedule a time. 

Enclosed in this monthly newsletter, which I’m proud we are able to re-establish, you will find resources, important dates, external opportunities, and more. If you or your organization would like to share content in an upcoming newsletter, please let me know. Additionally, you will find a short survey aimed at assessing the current landscape of graduate student education, and I hope you will consider participating in this as it will help inform our work moving forward. 

I’m excited to share that later this fall, we will be hosting a virtual conference, where we will learn of current trends in the higher education space, hear from students of work happening on their campuses, and look to plans for the spring semester. More substantive details of this event will be coming soon, but for now, please save the date of Saturday, November, 16th, 2024. 

I hope that you have a wonderful semester, and that NAGPS can be of assistance to you in your important work. 


Sean Schrader
President, NAGPS



Please Complete Our Short Survey Here



US News and World Report Interview Featuring NAGPS



The Framework For Accountability In Academic Research And Mentoring Project Leads Efforts To Improve STEM Mentorship



Sean Schrader spoke with Brian Mitchell from Grad-Post on current work happening within NAGPS. 



Sean Schrader met with Matthew Koschmann, an accomplished leader in the higher education space to discuss current topics, and opportunities for students to make an impact in the year ahead.



Let’s make sure that graduate students have all the support needed to succeed. For some students, the path to completing a graduate degree can sometimes be more difficult than expected and the pressure of personal and academic responsibilities too much to handle. Help is available. The National Graduate Student Crisis Line (877-GRAD-HLP) is staffed by trained counselors who understand the pressures. There is also a free month of teletherapy available through Don’t wait until a crisis arrives to call the National Grad Crisis Line or connect with BetterHelp. They are available 24/7 to listen, connect and assist you today!



Fellowship & Scholarship Opportunities



Open NAGPS Positions

Interested in making a difference in graduate student lives? Join the NAGPS National or Regional Boards!

Reach out to NAGPS President Sean Schrader at for more information. 



Get Involved with NAGPS



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The vision of the National Association of Graduate-Professional Students (NAGPS) is to be a nationally representative and internationally recognized Association that advocates for institutional and structural changes to improve graduate and professional education in the United States.

The mission of NAGPS is to:
DEVELOP, SUSTAIN, & EXPAND a member network that connects graduate and professional students across the United States to facilitate the sharing of information, resources, and best practices.
EMPOWER our members to successfully serve their graduate-professional student constituents.
AMPLIFY students’ voices to campus, local, state, and federal policymakers.